Drama Group Stages It’s Fifth Panto
A drama group from Horfield is putting on a production of Sleeping Beauty this week.
The Whitefield Players at the Horfield United Reformed Church, also known as the Whitefield Memorial Tabernacle, based in Muller Road will be staging the pantomime from Wednesday until Saturday.
The group has 30 members ranging in age from one to 70.
The young Sleeping Beauty is played by one-year-old Katie Rose – the granddaughter of director Tracy Rogers. The older Sleeping Beauty is to be played by 15-year-old Katherine Legg, who is from Horfield.
Spokesman and chorus member Alison Kinnersley, from Horfield, said: “This is our fifth pantomime and we though that performing Sleeping Beauty would be a bit of fun.
“We’ve got fairies and dancers and all sorts – it’s going to be brilliant and I think it will appeal to all ages.”
The show starts at 7.30 and tickets, priced £4 for adults and £3 for concessions, are available on the door before performances.